Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Current Hot Topic: Cell Phones and Brain Cancer!

Overview of Studies:
The mobile topic that I chose to read about and discuss is mobile phones and the risk of brain cancer. There were two studies done, one in 2010 and one the following year. This interphone study is the largest case-study of mobile phone use and brain tumors to date. In 2010 no dramatic conclusions were made. The scientists agreed that their work was not yet done discuessed in the following statement...

"An increased risk of brain cancer is not established from the data from 
Interphone. However, observations at the highest level of cumulative call time and the changing patterns of mobile phone use since the period studied by Interphone, particularly in young people, mean that further investigation of mobile phone use and brain cancer risk is merited."
-Dr Christopher Wild, Director of IARC

This lead to a follow up study done in May 2011. This started when the IRAC (The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer) came out with research to support that  certain radio frequency electromagnetic fields are maybe "carcinogenic"to people. No matter the amount of research and money spent on this project there were not conclusions to support a definite correlation between mobile phone use and brain cancer. This research will continue until they reach a final conclusion because there is a trend, just no direct correlation.

Other Research:
CNN Story on the comparison between the cell phone with an earpiece in related to brain Cancer. Story by a neurologist Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent.
This video is a very interesting look at a different perspective towards the issue of cell phones and brain cancer. Since there is no definite answer to the problem, society should just try to work around it until we do find a solution.

My prediction is that this phase of cell phones and brain cancer will fade out. I think that it is just currently a hot topic that scientists think they could make a huge discovery with. Once there is more research to go against them they will have no choice but to stop the funding and move on to something else. What do you think? Will it become more popular with the news or less, within the next year?